Camberg Lab

University of Rhode Island

New Papers Coming....

Linking metabolism to division in uropathogenic E. coli

Metabolic flux regulates growth transitions and antibiotic tolerance in uropathogenic Escherichia coli

Morrison, et al. [pre-print]

FtsA mutations disrupt function in vitro and in vivo

Nucleotide-dependent activities of FtsA regulate the early establishment of a functional divisome during the Escherichia coli cell cycle

Morrison et al., Frontiers in Microbiology, 2023

Josiah and Ben defended their dissertations - Congrats!
BBM and GRC coming up this summer
Welcome to the lab Ellen!
Watch out for the new FtsA paper in Frontiers
Good luck to our graduates Ashley and Andi

New publications are out!
FtsA-FtsZ complexes in JBC
FtsZ IDR and recognition by ClpXP in Protein Science
MqsA degradation in JBC
Josiah is giving a talk as ASBMB!

Negar defended her Master's thesis - congratulations!

Stay safe everyone!
Congratulations to Dr. Eric for defending his dissertation!

The Annual Kentucky Derby Party - don't miss this one!
Getting ready for BBM and Phages this summer!
Always recruiting grad students!

Congratulations to 3 new Ph.D.'s - Joe, Shannon and Chris!
Welcome new graduate students to the lab, Evelyn, Josiah and Negar

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